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XaVieR3601 a écrit:
moi j'aurais dis 12 800^3
Euh oui je me suis tromper oui c'est 12800.
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Je pense qu'il faut que tu fasse 8*(12800*12800)
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fla-94 a écrit:
Voila zgor me la fait et je le reremercie mais je voudrais quand même être sur que se soit juste car se sera surement noté
Mary Alice Young led apparently the perfect life of smart suburb, and it is for it that the suicide remains a mystery. The evening of Mary Alice collected the other residents of Wisteria Lane, including his(her) most close friends.
In the first place, there is former(ancient) and very powerful businesswomen Lynette Scavo, incapable to check(control) his four undisciplined children.
Then, we get acquainted of an absurd and awkward unmarried mother: of Susan Mayer. Beautiful Gabrielle Solis, her, is a former(ancient) Top model reconverted to housewife. Finally, Bree Van de Kamp is a born perfectionist, a professional housewife, a mother in the renowned home(foyer).
During the evening, Susan gets acquainted Mike Delfino, a new neighbour plumber. Her daughter, Julie, recommends him(her) to make the first step. Susan makes to Mike a present of arrival. The only problem, it is whom Edie Britt, the predatoriest divorcee of the district, is also at the time. While Susan gets ready to invite Mike to have dinner, Edie asks him(her) " to glance at his(her) piping ".
She(It) then pleaded a problem of channeling. Mike suggests immediately going to glance. Taken by surprise, she(it) hurried to return at her to create this pseudo-problem of channeling, so throwing(casting) Julie's school project in the piping.
The come evening, Martha Huber, a renowned neighbour gossips came to say to Susan that Edie had invited a man to have dinner. When the time comes, this one decides to go to visit her rival, with as a loan of sugar pleads. Susan infiltrates then into the house. Romantic atmosphere, soothing music and numerous lit(switched on) candles. Unfortunately,Susan exactly brings down one and the piece(room) caught fire without that she was able to put out(switch off) him(it). Terrified, she(it) will go out of the house to join the inhabitants who observe the fire. Mike, too is present. Susan is relieved: he(it) was not with Edie.
The husband of Lynette, Tom, returns earlier of his journey of affair(business), in the reassurance of his wife. But when he insists on making the unprotected love, at the risk that she(it) falls again surrounding wall(speaker), this one makes him(her) swallow the words.
Gabrielle does not want to be present in the evening given by the boss of Carlos, Tanaka, who always tries of the peloter.
Carlos answers him(her) grosso-modo that as long as Tanaka is his(her) boss, she had to be allowed make. Hardly Carlos went out that sulphurous woman falls in the arms of her gardener, still adolescent, John, with whom she begins a secret relation. During this time(weather), he was not obviously able to mow the lawn. Dreading that John is transferred, Gabrielle escapes discreetly from the reception and crops the garden in her long dress and her high heels!
The children of Bree protest against his(her,its) stifling formal dinners, they thus went(surrendered) to the Saddle Ranch Chop House, a kind of fast food where Rex shocked his wife by admitting him(her) that he wanted to divorce.Instead of answering him(her), she(it) prepares him(her) a salad where she(it) puts "accidentally" onions: Rex is lethally allergic there. At the hospital, Rex says to him(her) that he is sick to see her(it) all the time so perfect. As answer, it disappears in the bathroom to spray its flowers and wipes(suffers) its tears there before returning in the piece(room), completed, in its custom.
The adolescent son of Mary Alice, Zach, wakes up in the middle of the night finding his father digging up something under the swimming pool.
By storing(By tidying up) garment of the deceased, his(her) friends find a message handwritten, reached the day of its death which says: " I know what you made, that makes me sick, I am going to reveal him(it)
dite moi aussi si vous trouvé bien
Aucun avis??
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polas- a écrit:
Je pense qu'il faut que tu fasse 8*(12800*12800)
jcomprend pas
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Charly37300 a écrit:
polas- a écrit:
Je pense qu'il faut que tu fasse 8*(12800*12800)
jcomprend pas
non pas 8 mais 6!!
car en fait 12800² ca te donne la surface d'une face du cube! et puis comme tu as 6 face sur un cube tu multiplie et voila!
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fla-94 a écrit:
fla-94 a écrit:
Voila zgor me la fait et je le reremercie mais je voudrais quand même être sur que se soit juste car se sera surement noté
Mary Alice Young led apparently the perfect life of smart suburb, and it is for it that the suicide remains a mystery. The evening of Mary Alice collected the other residents of Wisteria Lane, including his(her) most close friends.
In the first place, there is former(ancient) and very powerful businesswomen Lynette Scavo, incapable to check(control) his four undisciplined children.
Then, we get acquainted of an absurd and awkward unmarried mother: of Susan Mayer. Beautiful Gabrielle Solis, her, is a former(ancient) Top model reconverted to housewife. Finally, Bree Van de Kamp is a born perfectionist, a professional housewife, a mother in the renowned home(foyer).
During the evening, Susan gets acquainted Mike Delfino, a new neighbour plumber. Her daughter, Julie, recommends him(her) to make the first step. Susan makes to Mike a present of arrival. The only problem, it is whom Edie Britt, the predatoriest divorcee of the district, is also at the time. While Susan gets ready to invite Mike to have dinner, Edie asks him(her) " to glance at his(her) piping ".
She(It) then pleaded a problem of channeling. Mike suggests immediately going to glance. Taken by surprise, she(it) hurried to return at her to create this pseudo-problem of channeling, so throwing(casting) Julie's school project in the piping.
The come evening, Martha Huber, a renowned neighbour gossips came to say to Susan that Edie had invited a man to have dinner. When the time comes, this one decides to go to visit her rival, with as a loan of sugar pleads. Susan infiltrates then into the house. Romantic atmosphere, soothing music and numerous lit(switched on) candles. Unfortunately,Susan exactly brings down one and the piece(room) caught fire without that she was able to put out(switch off) him(it). Terrified, she(it) will go out of the house to join the inhabitants who observe the fire. Mike, too is present. Susan is relieved: he(it) was not with Edie.
The husband of Lynette, Tom, returns earlier of his journey of affair(business), in the reassurance of his wife. But when he insists on making the unprotected love, at the risk that she(it) falls again surrounding wall(speaker), this one makes him(her) swallow the words.
Gabrielle does not want to be present in the evening given by the boss of Carlos, Tanaka, who always tries of the peloter.
Carlos answers him(her) grosso-modo that as long as Tanaka is his(her) boss, she had to be allowed make. Hardly Carlos went out that sulphurous woman falls in the arms of her gardener, still adolescent, John, with whom she begins a secret relation. During this time(weather), he was not obviously able to mow the lawn. Dreading that John is transferred, Gabrielle escapes discreetly from the reception and crops the garden in her long dress and her high heels!
The children of Bree protest against his(her,its) stifling formal dinners, they thus went(surrendered) to the Saddle Ranch Chop House, a kind of fast food where Rex shocked his wife by admitting him(her) that he wanted to divorce.Instead of answering him(her), she(it) prepares him(her) a salad where she(it) puts "accidentally" onions: Rex is lethally allergic there. At the hospital, Rex says to him(her) that he is sick to see her(it) all the time so perfect. As answer, it disappears in the bathroom to spray its flowers and wipes(suffers) its tears there before returning in the piece(room), completed, in its custom.
The adolescent son of Mary Alice, Zach, wakes up in the middle of the night finding his father digging up something under the swimming pool.
By storing(By tidying up) garment of the deceased, his(her) friends find a message handwritten, reached the day of its death which says: " I know what you made, that makes me sick, I am going to reveal him(it)
dite moi aussi si vous trouvé bienAucun avis??
svp j'ai plus beaucoup de jour pour bouclé cela
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Niveau anglais ca a l'air d'etre pas mal ...
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ok merki ^^
J'espère que ca passera car je comprend pas tout et la prof va peut-être se douter
Petite question, es-ce que pas le niveau mais le texte est juste??(es-ce que le texte a un sens quoi??)
Dernière modification par fla-94 (20-02-2009 20:58:59)
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fla-94 a écrit:
ok merki ^^
J'espère que ca passera car je comprend pas tout et la prof va peut-être se douter
Petite question, es-ce que pas le niveau mais le texte est juste??(es-ce que le texte a un sens quoi??)
C'était sur quoi ce truc ?
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Alex-18- a écrit:
euh es se que vous pouvez me factoriser
(x+1)² identité remarquable
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hesitez pas pour vous faire aidez
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salut a tous , j'ai un DM en math ( niveau 2nd) et je bloque a 2 questions
-répondre à la question suivante par une lecture graphique , puis reprendre la résolution par un tableau de signes : quels sont les nombres supérieurs à leur carré ?
donc moi je sais que les nombres qui on un carré inférieur sont les nombres compris entre 0 -1 .
mais j'arrive pas a l'espliquer
mercii de bien vouloir m'aider
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j'ai un DM pour demain en math et j'arrive pas a répondre a sa pouvez vous m'aidez ??
vrai ou faux ? justifier votre réponde
1° Deux triangle ayant leurs angles égaux deux deux sont isométriques .
2° Deux triangles ayant deux cotés et un angle de même mesure sont isométriques .
3° Deux triangles rectangles ayant la même hypoténuse sont isométriques
4° deux triangles rectangles de même hypoténuse ayant un angle aigu égal sont isométriques
vraix ou faux ?
1° Deux triangles isométriques sont semblables
2° Deux triangles semblables sont isométriques
3) Deux triangles semblables ayant la meme aire sont isométriques
4) Deux triangles isocéles ayant le meme augles au sommet principal sont semblable
voila c'est tout
Dernière modification par gus77750 (04-03-2009 13:30:17)
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Bonjours , je dois rendre ce devoir pour demain mais je ne comprend pas trop ,
Si quelqu'un peut me dire comment faire et me dire des reponses je ne dirais pas NON !
Exercice 1 :
En physique , lorsuq'on remplace le montage R1 sur R2 par R
On a la relation suivante entre les trois résistances 1 sur R = 1sur R1 + 1 sur R2
1) Calculer R si R1 = 4 Ohms et R2 = 12 Ohms
2) Calculer R si R1 = 3 ohms et R2 = 2 ohms
3) Calculer R1 si R = 5 ohms et R2 = 9 Ohms
Exercices 2 :
Calculer A = ( a - b)² , B= a² - 2ab + b²
c = a² - b² et D= (a-b) (a+b)
pour a = - 1sur3 et b = -3
Sivouplait celui qui peut m'aider a ces de la je le remerciie beaucoup , il me faudrais une bonne notes sivouplé
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Alors ??
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je voudrait savoir , Les 6 verbes irrégulier au futut en espagnol merci
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Volver, Ser, Haber, Hacer après je sais plus
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Antoine.10 a écrit:
je voudrait savoir , Les 6 verbes irrégulier au futut en espagnol
Il ya plus de 6 verbes irréguliers au futur en espagnol
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